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Headquarters – Office Briefings: Calle Manuel Bulnes #1202

Sales room: Calle Manuel Bulnes #100




During check-in, our staff will take your luggage into custody, which each passenger must pick up when boarding. In case of traveling with a vehicle, they will give you the necessary information to guide you through the process.

Once on board, crew members will give passengers a welcome talk along with some information for safe and entertaining navigation, to later set sail through the Patagonian Fjords towards the city of Puerto Natales.

Navigation will begin in the Reloncavi Sound, Gulf of Ancud, and at sunset, the ferry will enter the Apiao Channel into the Corcovado Gulf.


The journey continues with the ferry sailing the southernmost part of the Corcovado Gulf. Here, the Captain decides the most adequate route to continue the voyage, according to the meteorological information received, data on tidal currents in the channels and the location of the MOon and the Sun as guiding references. Route alternatives include:

1. Guafo Mouth
2. Ninualac Channel
3. Pulluche Channel.

There are other ways of accessing other channels, depending on visibility, traffic, and crossing other vessels.

Suppose the Captain chooses to sail the open sea through the Guafo Mouth. ln that case, the ferry will navigate between the Chonos Archipelago and Guafo lsland to quickly exit into the Oceanic Area.

lf the ferry sails the Ninualac Channel, navigating all morning through the Moraleda Channel, it will reach the vicinity of Tuap lsland, where it will turn to the west and start sailing the Ninualac Channel and entering the open sea in the course of the afternoon.

On the other hand, if the Captain chooses to sail the Pulluche Channel, the ferry will cross the Moraleda Channel, a transit place for expert sailors and canoeists of the Chonos Archipelago and Chiloé. Later, the ferry will sail through the Errázuriz Channel, then the Chacabuco, and finally enter the Pulluche Channel (known for its exuberant vegetation of lengas and cypresses forests). lf weather permits, passengers can see dolphins, sea lions, and wild birds. At nightfall, the ferry begins oceanic navigation in the sector immediately north of the Golfo de Sorrows to enter fully into the open sea during the night. This crossing lasts approximately 12 hours with good weather; it’s possible to see Humpback, Minke, and Blue whales (depending on the time of the year and the weather).


The ferry resumes sailing in the fjords to cross the Messier Channel, which is 1.270 meters deep, making it the deepest in the area; here’s when passengers can see the cargo ship Capitán Leonidas, stranded there since the 70s on a semi- submerged islet called Bajo Cotopaxi. It is currently used as a navigation lighthouse and reference point for sailors.

Shortly after, the vessel crosses the Angostura Inglesa (English Narrows) and passes in front of the town of Puerto Eden, where the last remaining population of Alacalufes indigenous peoples lives. The town is located on Wellington Island, one of the largest in the country, which is part of the Bernardo O’Higgins National Park.

Navigation continues through the El Indio, Abismo Wide, Concepción, Inocentes, Angostura, Sarmiento, Farquar, Unión, Sobenes (the southernmost of our route), Scobar Doxrud and Morla channels and passes, and the Collingwood Strait.


The ferry sails the Santa María Channel until it arrives at the narrowest pass of the route, the Angostura White, only 80 meters wide. Then it navigates across the Unión Sound to later enter the access channel to the city of Puerto Natales, where this incredible adventure ends.

Transit in the channels will occur only if the sea, itinerary, and weather conditions allow it, always at the Captain’s discretion. The ferry sails the Santa María Channel until it arrives at the narrowest pass of the route, the Angostura White, only 80 meters wide. Then it navigates across the Unión Sound to later enter the access channel to the city of Puerto Natales, where this incredible adventure ends.

Transit in the channels will occur only if the sea, itinerary, and weather conditions allow it, always at the Captain’s discretion.

  • Full-board food service (breakfast, lunch and dinner),
  • Boarding fee per person.
  • Maritime transport from/to Puerto Montt or Puerto Natales.
  • Shared cabin for up to 8 passengers with private interior bathroom without window.
  • Fare valid for travel from June 11, 2024 through October 15, 2024.
  • On-board guide or entertainment activities.
  • Shop or coffee service on board.
  • Internet.
  • Gym/Yoga
  • Passengers and/or agencies may make reservations by requesting information from our sales executives.
  • In case of cancellation by the passenger prior to the departure of the ship for any reason, only 50% of the amount paid will be refunded.
  • In case of non-show for boarding, and without prior notice by email, the withholding will be 100% of the amount paid.
  • In case of a change of itinerary by Navimag Ferries, either due to delays caused due to weather conditions, maritime, or port operation; and that for these reasons passengers must remain on board for longer than planned, Navimag Ferries undertakes to deliver the service under the same contracted conditions (cabin and food), for the total duration of the trip.
  • Delays caused by weather, maritime or operational conditions in port will not accrue compensation for accommodation outside the ship, air tickets, excursions or other contracted services, which do not correspond to the activities offered by Navimag Ferries.
  • Sailing conditions during the winter season could be unfavorable, so Navimag ferries in its priority with respect to the safety, both of passengers and crew, could anchor at some point of the route waiting for better conditions that allow it to sail safely.
  • The arrival or departure in the cities of Puerto Montt and/or Puerto Natales, can only be made if weather conditions allow it and as long as the Maritime Authority authorizes such operation, meanwhile the Ferry Esperanza will proceed to anchor (sheltered in bays near each city) until the conditions are suitable for the realization of the scheduled trip.
  • To book the transport of smaller vehicles (up to 6 metres in length), please consult the information

Value per person $350 USD


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